Vanessa Fuller
Dancer, Choreographer, Instructor

My name is Vanessa Fuller. I am a studio owner of over 10 years, an award winning competition choreographer, a former dance team director, and a mentor to students of all ages. My relationship with dance runs deep, as I am sure it does for you as well. It is my life's work to pass on this meaningful connection that I have been saved by so many times in my own life.
I have credits ranging from stage to commercial work, to awards for competitive choreography in many genres. But, most importantly, I can REALLY TRULY SAY that my passion lies in education.
The dancers that train with me are not only great movers, but great people. I am passionate about creating artists from the inside out! My classes are an uplifting, positive and empowering experience. Lots of important feedback, moments of inspiration, and education happens in my spaces, and I have been on such an amazing journey becoming the best I can be at providing that environment. Dance instruction is an art in itself.
Time with my energy and my classes will transform your students!